タイのチェンマイ大学でレクチャーをすることになりました。『LIVED SPACE』というテーマの日本人建築家のレクチャーシリーズです。海外でのレクチャーは初めてなので、今からとても楽しみです。

We will make the lecture at Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University in Thailand. This is the Japanese architects lecture series that is theme of ‘LIVED SPACE’. We are looking foward to visiting and making the lecture.

Date: 3 May 2017

Time: Registration 4:00 p.m. Lecture 5:00-7:00 p.m.

Plece: Auditorium room, Floor 3 at Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University

Lecture at Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University

Date : 2017.4.10