
問い合わせ先 info@mtka.jp


Date : 2021.7.14

フォトスタジオのGO-SEES AOYAMAに続く恵比寿店である。場所は、恵比寿ガーデンプレイスの斜向かいにあるビルで、フォトスタジオとして設計されていたテナントの居抜きであった。既存のプランはほとんど変更せず要望通りに整えたうえで、メイクルームの大きな扉は換気開口のために隅切り、メイクルームカウンターとエントランスカウンターは動線のために隅切り、移動式キャビネットの扉は手かけのために隅切り、ホリゾントの床は最大面積確保のために隅切った。「隅切り」という一手によって空間を動的に変化させる試みである。

This is the Ebisu branch following the photo studio GO-SEES AOYAMA. It is located in a building diagonally across from Yebisu Garden Place. Since interior had been designed as a photo studio, the existing plan was kept almost the same.
The large door of the makeup room is cut into a corner for ventilation, the makeup room counter and entrance counter are cut into a corner for traffic flow, the doors of the mobile cabinet are cut into a corner for a handhold, and the cyclorama is cut into a corner for the maximum floor area. This is an interior design that attempts to dynamically change the space by a single move of “corner cutting”.


Date : 2021.3
Type : Photo studio
Location : Shibuya, Tokyo
Floor : 240.03㎡
Photo : Gottingham

サステイナブル・ラーニング・ハウスは、異常気象や大規模災害、コロナウイルスの発生など、地球の環境が大きく変動している現在において、地球に暮らす私たち一人一人が、SDGs 、CO2 削減、ゼロウェイストなどを意識した行動や生活を変える知恵を楽しく獲得できる場である。

《Sustainability Learning House》 is a place where everyone living on Earth can have fun and gain wisdom on how to act and change our lives with an awareness of the SDGs, CO2 reduction, and zero-waste, in a time when our environment is undergoing major changes such as extreme weather, large-scale disasters, and coronavirus outbreaks. With this unique facility – in a word, “only sustainability learning center in Japan” – Tokushima Prefecture could become a leader in promoting the SDGs.
Here, you can observe and experience advanced sustainable activities such as zero-waste, zero food loss, reuse, and passive design. The visitors here are people with a clear purpose, such as people joining corporate training, school trips, social tours, club activities for students, training for environmental activities from developing countries, and also individual tourists.
《Sustainability Learning House》 is planned based on the concept of phase-free, which does not distinguish between normal and emergency situations. During normal times, the facility is designed to be a place where people can enjoy learning and staying, but during emergencies, it can function as a base for receiving and delivering disaster relief supplies, as well as a place where rescue staff and evacuees can stay. In addition, the facility will continue to operate off-grid even in emergencies when the supply of water and electricity is cut off, thanks to the extensive use of passive design as an energy-saving mechanism that places as little burden on the global environment as possible.

サステイナブル・ラーニング・ハウス / Sustainability Learning House

Date : 2021.1
Type : Leraning Center [Hall, Gallery, Restaurant, Hotel, Office, Factory, Storage]
Location : Tokushima, Tokushima
Floor : 8,720㎡
Collaborator: Taniatelier, Naruki Kojima
Consultant : amanojack design, RYOTARO SAKATA Structure Engineers, P.T.Morimura & Associates
Image : mtka, Taniatelier, amanojack design


A 20-unit apartment for single people in the city center.Walls are inserted parallel to the road that cuts the site diagonally. And these walls are geometrically shaped to create a long and narrow 25m2 space with various niches.The dwelling unit is a complete one-room space without any doors.《ONE ROOM APARTMENT》 is a new form of housing for single people, in which sleeping, eating, bathing, and excreting are performed without interruption.

ワンルームアパートメント / ONE ROOM APARTMENT

Date : 2021.1-
Type : Apartment House
Location : Setagaya, Tokyo
Floor : 767.71㎡
Consultant : RYOTARO SAKATA Structure Engineers, ZO Consulting Engineers
Image : mtka
Press : 新建築住宅特集 2021年1月号



222-0011 横浜市港北区菊名2-18-24-302
ムトカ建築事務所 宛

問い合わせ先 info@mtka.jp

締め切り 2021年2月末日



Date : 2021.1.29




『F.I.L. FUKUOKA』が商店建築3月号に掲載されました。

ファッションフォト撮影に使用される写真スタジオである。写真スタジオは、撮影を行うスタジオ(ホリゾント)、打合せを行うラウンジ、メイクや着替えを行うメイクルームからなり、機能性が重視されるプログラムである。そのためデザインの余地はほとんどないと言ってもいい。現に、既存のスタジオは躯体を白く塗っただけのすっぴんな空間であった。今回のリニューアルに際してそのすっぴんな空間を「メイクアップ」する。通常、すっぴんとなる躯体を隠蔽し空間そのものを書き換えるが、ここでは「メイクアップ」をテーマに前景化したオブジェクトを各所に配置することで風景を書き換え、空間を彩り、撮影する人、される人の高揚感を高める。敷地はポストモダンな意匠が特徴的なビルの地下にあり、一辺がRを描いた大きな矩形平面に小さな矩形が斜めに取り付く平面となっていた。これらのラインを連関させてオブジェクトにカタチを与えていく。EV入口の床はRにカットした赤いルージュのようなレッドカーペットを敷き、床はウレタン全艶塗装のラーチ合板を平面のアウトラインを手がかりに割り付け、さらに全艶ワックスを塗ることでマニキュアのような厚みのある艶感を出した。空調機とダクトが無造作に配された天井には、アイラインを引くように黒のライティングダクトを斜めに入れそれらの存在を排除した。メイクルームのフィッティングとクローゼットのカーテンは、Rの集積であるドレープを石膏でつくったかのような硬い印象のテクスチャーとなるようにし、フックとなるような不思議な存在感を出した。そして空間の中央には、Rと斜線の組み合わせによる3つの歪んだ大きな壁をチークを塗るように配置し、立体感とスケールを与え全体の印象を大きく変えた。GO-SEES AOYAMAは、すっぴんの躯体は変えることなく、これら前景化したオブジェクトを空間に配する「メイクアップ」による新たなインテリアデザインの手法の模索である。

The renewal design of a photo studio used for fashion photo shoots. A photography studio is a space that emphasizes functionality, consisting of a studio (cyclorama), meeting space, and a makeup and dressing room. Therefore, all the interior element should be background and there is almost no place for design. In fact, the existing studio was a bare space with only a white paint job.
Here, we tried to “make-up” this naked space. Normally in architectural design, the structural frame is hidden by the finishes and the space itself is rewritten, but here, under the theme of “make-up”, foregrounded objects are placed in various places to rewrite the interior landscape, color the space, and enhance the sense of elation for both the person photographing and the person being photographed.
The site is located in the basement of a building with a distinctive post-modern design, which plan is a large rectangular plane with an arc on one side and a small rectangle diagonally attached to it. The floor of the EV entrance is covered with a red rouge-like red carpet cut into arc, and the main floor is made of urethane full-gloss coated larch plywood, which is allocated based on the outline of the building and then coated with full-gloss wax to create a manicure-like thickness. On the ceiling, where air conditioners and ducts are haphazardly arranged, eyeliner-like black lighting ducts are placed diagonally to eliminate their presence. The curtains for the dressing room and the closet in the makeup room have a hard texture, as if the drapes – a collection of arcs – were made of plaster, creating a mysterious presence that acts as a highlight. In the center of the space, three large distorted walls made of a combination of arcs and diagonal lines are placed as if they were painted with blush, to give a sense of dimension and scale, and to change the overall impression of the space.
《GO-SEES AOYAMA》 is an attempt to create a new interior design method with a “make-up”: arrangement of the foregrounded objects in the space without changing any spatial frame.


Date : 2020.6
Type : Photo studio
Location : Shibuya, Tokyo
Floor : 202.33㎡
Consultant : Studio Onder de Linde
Contractor : neu furniture works
Photo : Gottingham